dilluns, 12 de setembre del 2011
diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011
The highschool is over.
I don't know what to say about it. The truth is that I don't think that I'm finishing a stage.
Yes, I have finished the childhood, preadolescence, and all that .. but what means ending the ESO?
For me, at least, it means nothing.
Life doesn't change. And my life... isn't a exception.
I have no hope to finish school. And I have no desire to stay longer.
I think that in my life there's only one stage...and every day I realize I'll die in it.
Who cares?
GoodBye, Mr.ESO.
I don't know what to say about it. The truth is that I don't think that I'm finishing a stage.
Yes, I have finished the childhood, preadolescence, and all that .. but what means ending the ESO?
For me, at least, it means nothing.
Life doesn't change. And my life... isn't a exception.
I have no hope to finish school. And I have no desire to stay longer.
I think that in my life there's only one stage...and every day I realize I'll die in it.
Who cares?
GoodBye, Mr.ESO.
I want to break free
I want to break free Vull ser lliure
I want to break free Vull ser lliure
I want to break free from your lies Vull ser lliure de les teves mentides
You're so self satisfied I don't need you Tu estas molt satisfet i jo no et necessito
I've got to break free Necessito ser lliure
God knows God knows I want to break free Déu sap, Déu sap que vul lser lliure
I've fallen in love M’ he enamorat
I've fallen in love for the first time M’ he enamorat per primera vegada
And this time I know it's for real i aquesta vegada sé que és real
I've fallen in love yeah M’ he enamorat, yeah
God knows God knows I've fallen in love Déu sap, Déu sap que m’ he enamorat
It's strange but it's true És extrany però és veritat
I can't get over the way you love me like you do No puc aguantar la manera en que m’ estimes
But I have to be sure Però haig d’ estar segur
When I walk out that door Quan surto de la porta
Oh how I want to be free baby Oh, com en vull de ser lliure, nene
Oh how I want to be free Oh, com en vull de ser lliure
Oh how I want to break free Oh, com en vull de ser lliure
But life still goes on Però la vida segueix
I can't get used to living without living without No em puc acostumar a viure sense, viure sense, viure sense
Living without you by my side Viure sense tu al meu costat
I don't want to live alone hey No vul viure sol, hey!
God knows got to make it on my own Déu sap que ho tinc que fer a la meva manera
So baby can't you see Doncs nene no pots veure
I've got to break free Que necessito ser lliure
I've got to break free Necessito ser lliure
I want to break free yeah Vull ser lliure, yeeeaaah!
The song was written in 1984 by Queen, a glam rock band created in 1970, and was publicated in the works. The vocalist was Freddy Mercury, but was Jean Deacon who created this song about wanting to break free from Freddie’s AIDS so he can get on with his love life. This was a big hit for the videclip and the meaning of the song, but MTV censured, but was the first hit in the UK. The videclip recalls a TV program called Coronation Street
dilluns, 14 de febrer del 2011
diumenge, 13 de febrer del 2011
Happy Saint Valentine
1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet it’s a dramatic play of Shakespeare. Explain a love story of the middle age. The end is tragic because the lovers die

Romeo and Juliet are from
3.What were their family names?
Their names are Montague and Capulet
4.Who wrote the story?
William Shakespeare wrote the story.
5.When was the story written?
He started to wrote the play in 1591 and he finished it in 1595
6. What is the source of this story(origin)?
The play is inspired in narrative poem The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, of Brooke.
7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?It’s a tragedy because it’s an impossible love..
8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer
Yes, because the love stories don’t change for the ages
Taylor Swift - Love Story
diumenge, 30 de gener del 2011
My Chemical Romance in The 5:19 Show
diumenge, 9 de gener del 2011
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